Global accounts list
- *Youngjin (unattached or doesn't exist locally, temporary account IP viewer)
- -jem- (unattached or doesn't exist locally, temporary account IP viewer)
- 1234qwer1234qwer4 (exists locally, abuse filter helper, worulde bewitend and temporary account IP viewer)
- 1997kB (exists locally, abuse filter helper, global rollbacker and temporary account IP viewer)
- A09 (unattached or doesn't exist locally, global rollbacker, worulde bewitend and temporary account IP viewer)
- AT (unattached or doesn't exist locally, temporary account IP viewer)
- Acagastya (unattached or doesn't exist locally, global IP block exempt and temporary account IP viewer)
- Alhen (unattached or doesn't exist locally, temporary account IP viewer)
- Alison (unattached or doesn't exist locally, global rollbacker and temporary account IP viewer)
- Ameisenigel (unattached or doesn't exist locally, abuse filter helper, global IP block exempt, global rollbacker, worulde bewitend, temporary account IP viewer, ombuds and VRT permissions agent)
- Amire80 (exists locally, worulde bewitend, temporary account IP viewer and new wikis importer)
- Amorymeltzer (unattached or doesn't exist locally, temporary account IP viewer)
- Anarchyte (unattached or doesn't exist locally, temporary account IP viewer)
- Andriy.v (unattached or doesn't exist locally, temporary account IP viewer and VRT permissions agent)
- Aoidh (unattached or doesn't exist locally, temporary account IP viewer)
- AramilFeraxa (unattached or doesn't exist locally, global rollbacker, worulde bewitend, temporary account IP viewer and two-factor authentication tester)
- Arcyon37 (unattached or doesn't exist locally, temporary account IP viewer)
- Ask21 (unattached or doesn't exist locally, temporary account IP viewer and VRT permissions agent)
- BRPever (unattached or doesn't exist locally, global IP block exempt and temporary account IP viewer)
- Barak a (unattached or doesn't exist locally, temporary account IP viewer)
- Barkeep49 (unattached or doesn't exist locally, temporary account IP viewer and U4C member)
- Bernard (unattached or doesn't exist locally, temporary account IP viewer)
- Billinghurst (exists locally, global rollbacker, worulde bewitend and temporary account IP viewer)
- Bináris (unattached or doesn't exist locally, temporary account IP viewer)
- Biplab Anand (unattached or doesn't exist locally, global rollbacker, worulde bewitend and temporary account IP viewer)
- Blablubbs (unattached or doesn't exist locally, global IP block exempt, temporary account IP viewer and two-factor authentication tester)
- BlackBeast (unattached or doesn't exist locally, temporary account IP viewer)
- Bradv (unattached or doesn't exist locally, temporary account IP viewer)
- Cabayi (unattached or doesn't exist locally, temporary account IP viewer)
- Callanecc (unattached or doesn't exist locally, temporary account IP viewer)
- CaptainEek (unattached or doesn't exist locally, temporary account IP viewer)
- Chuck Entz (unattached or doesn't exist locally, temporary account IP viewer)
- Codc (unattached or doesn't exist locally, temporary account IP viewer and two-factor authentication tester)
- Conde Edmond Dantès (unattached or doesn't exist locally, global IP block exempt and temporary account IP viewer)
- Count Count (unattached or doesn't exist locally, abuse filter helper, global rollbacker and temporary account IP viewer)
- CptViraj (exists locally, abuse filter helper, global IP block exempt, global rollbacker, worulde bewitend and temporary account IP viewer)
- Cromium (unattached or doesn't exist locally, temporary account IP viewer)
- Csigabi (unattached or doesn't exist locally, temporary account IP viewer)
- Céréales Killer (unattached or doesn't exist locally, temporary account IP viewer)
- DARIO SEVERI (unattached or doesn't exist locally, global rollbacker, worulde bewitend and temporary account IP viewer)
- DHN (unattached or doesn't exist locally, temporary account IP viewer)
- DR (unattached or doesn't exist locally, temporary account IP viewer)
- Dan Koehl (unattached or doesn't exist locally, temporary account IP viewer)
- Daniel (unattached or doesn't exist locally, temporary account IP viewer)
- Daniuu (unattached or doesn't exist locally, abuse filter helper, global rollbacker, worulde bewitend, temporary account IP viewer, ombuds and VRT permissions agent)
- DannyS712 (exists locally, API high limit requestor, global IP block exempt, global rollbacker and temporary account IP viewer)
- Darafsh (unattached or doesn't exist locally, temporary account IP viewer)
- DatGuy (unattached or doesn't exist locally, temporary account IP viewer)
- David Wadie Fisher-Freberg (unattached or doesn't exist locally, global IP block exempt and temporary account IP viewer)
- Djordjes (unattached or doesn't exist locally, temporary account IP viewer)